Fashion | How I Used Coffee To Resolve My ‘Premature Greying’ Existential Hair Crisis

For some context, I recently submitted the article below as part of an application for a possible new writing gig, they challenged me with the task of producing a 200-word piece about “the first time I dyed my hair.” Here it goes…

The first time that I contemplated dying my hair, I had two choices:

  1. Embrace the first silver streaks appearing in my otherwise glossy locks as “wisdom highlights” (New trend alert!)
  2. Admit defeat and obliterate every last trace of those all-natural, non-chemical “highlights” to avoid becoming the muse behind E. L. James’ next novel.

Since I’m wise enough already and I’m not starring in the latest life-affirming Disney film, I settled on option two (case and point on that wisdom theory).


How I felt when I looked in the mirror to discover the first signs of falling into the ‘mature’ category VS. the reality.

As I sipped on my Autumn-appropriate ‘pumpkin spiced’ latte, I was struck with a wonderful (and potentially *awful*) idea…

Why not pay tribute to my favourite red cup by matching my hair colour to the contents of my beloved beverage?


Moving forward with a newfound hunger in my eyes and a PSL in my tummy, I made a “final” pit stop at the mothership to purchase my 2,753rd pumpkin infused caffeine boost of the season, allowing the hairdresser to salvage her inspiration from the remaining froth.

And that is how my PSL-inspired hair was created, featuring copper lowlights at the crown and golden tones through the ends.


I was pumped.

Now all that I need is the corresponding scent… pumpkin spiced hairspray anyone?

Do you remember your first hair dying experience? Share your stories below!


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19 thoughts on “Fashion | How I Used Coffee To Resolve My ‘Premature Greying’ Existential Hair Crisis

    • adeleinglasses says:

      Thanks so much! I only dyed my hair for the first time quite recently and it was more for a change than anything else. I like having long hair, so I don’t very often get anything radical cut-wise but I’m enjoying the highlights/lowlights!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Purpleanais says:

    Love, LOVE your hair! I used to dye mine red because I’m a natural brunette with pale skin and green eyes and I love that whole “fair skin, dark hair look”…also I like to keep my hair very long so I never did anything really drastic colour wise so I wouldn’t ruin it. 2 years ago I took the plunge and went blonde, really gradually because I wanted to keep my hair long. You should have seen my hairdresser’s face when I asked her to do highlights on my bright red hair…she was like”okaaaaay, this is going to be a very slow process…” but she was amazing and did it, it took me about 6 sessions (a year altogether) to go from bright red to a fully highlighted blonde but my hair never needed more than a trim 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The V-Pub says:

    First of all, you mentioned coffee and latte and I can only have water. I can almost smell the aroma from here.
    Secondly, you’re beautiful. Finally, you used pumpkin spice on your hashtag. Thanks. I’m off to drink some kale. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. that traveling nurse says:

    Ahh, I can definitely relate. I used to just pluck my grey one at a time until it got to a point where I couldn’t anymore. I know, a lot of people tell me not to pluck. But I do. Sorry. I just can’t stand looking at it. So two years ago, I bravely went to my hair dresser and told her the inevitable. She just merely chuckled knowing that the time would come. I just wanted the grey gone. No highlights or whatsoever. From black, I’m now a dark brown. But calling them wisdom highlights doesn’t sound too bad either. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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