Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

Wednesday 14th January, 2014

This is a day to remember on The Girl in Glasses blog for three reasons:

  1. If it wasn’t already obvious, I have been nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, just take a moment to “ooh” and “arrr” at that image.
  2. I received a notification on WordPress to tell me that my stats were “booming” and my blog suddenly had a surge of traffic this afternoon (see point 1).
  3. I have reached 100 followers on my little corner of the blogosphere!


Please let me make this clear too, this post isn’t me bragging and boasting, this is a post of complete and genuine gratitude to YOU – that’s you reading this right now. When I started writing my blog again, I went into it with a whole new view, that I didn’t mind if no-one read it. It was something for my benefit, a creative outlet that I found enjoyable, but if I managed to get one person interested and wanting to read what I typed then I would be entirely thankful for that. So I guess this is me saying 100 thanks to 100 followers and everyone in between! I’ll stop there before it turns into a full-blown speech… I’ll leave thanking my Mum, Dad and childhood pet for next time.

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

An extended and huge thanks to wonderwoman591, who nominated me for the award. I was surprised to receive it, especially because her blog “A letter to the universe…” is amazing, it’s super inspirational and full of interesting content so please, if you do anything today, go and check her out?

The rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
  • Put the Award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the ten questions sent to you.
  • Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Nominate seven blogs.

My answers:

1. What is one goal you’d like to accomplish in your lifetime?

One of my creative goals is to write a novel, I constantly have ideas for stories but I have two in particular that I would love to pursue and commit to completing from start to finish – not for any other sake than self-achievement and to know that I have released the stories from my mind.

2. Who is your hero and why?

Walt Disney. There are a few people that are role models or idols in my life but my hero would be Walt Disney. I was having a discussion the other day and I couldn’t actually imagine what my life would be like without Disney in my life. I have a lot of special memories from visiting Disney World Orlando, Florida including spending Christmas and New Year there for the Millennium, my brothers wedding and my own engagement!

Ste and Me Weddingengagement


Wedding4 copy

Not only that, Walt Disney was an intelligent man who accomplished a lot in his lifetime, against all odds. He wasn’t afraid of taking risks, he followed his dreams and encouraged us to follow our own.


3. What is one of your favorite hobbies?


Movies are my passion. I’ve studied film in further education for around 8-9 years and I love having movie (and television) marathons, just to be transported to different worlds and eras, allowing my imagination to run wild. I’m a film collector, often people mistake my webcam backdrop as a library, no… they’re my films.

4. Do you have any weird or quirky habits? If so, what?

Good question.

This is a tricky one. Is it weird that I keep a paper diary, despite having endless diaries and calendars on electronic devices, to write down tasks that I have to complete? My life is full of lists!

5. What is one thing you really like about yourself?

Answering questions like this always make me feel slightly egotistical, which they shouldn’t, we should be celebrating ourselves more! I like that I’m a positive person, I have a half-glass full approach to life and I like to spread that positivity to others.


6. What do you hope to accomplish with your blog?

I have already accomplished more than I would have set out to, I would have been happy if only one person read it but to see the support that I have had from the blogging community is incredible. So, with that in mind, I hope to continue to expand, grow and connect to people around the world. I also don’t want to give up, you should always have time for personal pursuits!

7. What book/movie/TV show have you seen/read recently you would recommend? Why?

I’m going to take one from each category because I love reading and watching movies/television (as above)…

Book: Kingdom Keepers – Disney After Dark (Ridley Pearson)

This might be aimed at younger readers but I think it’s enjoyable for all, especially if you’re a Disney nutmad men like me. 5 teenagers are chosen to investigate strange occurrences happening in the Magic Kingdom theme park, in a race to uncover a supernatural force that could destroy the world.

Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy (James Gunn, 2014)

A fun and thrilling adventure that is full of heart, the visuals are stunning and there are plenty of genuine laugh-out-loud moments. The awesome 70’s/80’s soundtrack is worth a mention too.

Television: Mad Men (Matthew Weiner, 2007 – present)

I have already watched Mad Men through on a few occasions but I thought that it was worth another watch on the run up to part 2 of the final season. I love the characters… and the era. 

8. What was the best thing that happened to you this past week?

Literally, this, today. 120 views, 100 followers, Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.

9. Describe your ideal perfect day?

Being with my family aboard the General Joe Potter ferry boat, feeling the sun happily beating down, hearing the waves splashing and the sound of the horn blowing loudly to mark our arrival as the Magic Kingdom castle comes into view. Leaving my “adult” self at the entrance and spending a day of fun around the theme park, creating memories that last a lifetime! Perfection.

10. What would you do in life if you knew you couldn’t fail?

I’ll need to give this question some extra consideration. I think if you desire to do something worthwhile then you should attempt to do so, regardless of the fear of failure.

My nominees:

M.O.T.H.E.R. of PEACE | JillyPopMusic | Simply Simone: v2 | The Lodge on Haydon | Finding My Inner Zen | Rachel Tries Life |  Faraday’s Candle

My questions:

  1. Where do you source your inspiration from?
  2. If a film was being made about your life, which actor/actress would you choose to play you?
  3. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
  4. What is one of your favourite memories?
  5. If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?
  6. How would your friends describe you?
  7. What is your biggest dream?
  8. What are some of the things that make you happy in life (big or small)?
  9. If you could choose to have one super power, what would it be and why?
  10. If you have your music stored somewhere (E.G. iTunes, Spotify) then hit shuffle, what is the first song that it lands on?


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24 thoughts on “Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award

  1. Katerina Marks says:

    Congratulations on the award! 🙂 It is well deserved! Your blog is always fun and motivational. I really enjoyed your post on how to stay happy and healthy for the new year.

    Walt Disney is an amazing role model as his work inspires us to dream a little more and brings happiness to so many.

    Cheers to the future and may all your dreams come true!

    ❤ Katerina

    Liked by 1 person

    • adeleinglasses says:

      Oh Katerina, you have just made receiving this award even better, such a lovely encouraging comment!

      It’s great to know what type of content people enjoy, Motivational Monday is a series so I hope that there’s much more to come of that yet.

      I hope that all of your dreams come true too, lets make 2015 a good one! 🙂

      P.S. I’ve only just found your secondary blog… you’re so creative!! ❤


  2. wonderwoman591 says:

    First off, congrats to 100 followers, that’s so exciting!! And thank you so much for the kind words about my blog 🙂 I’m still such a noobie to this blogosphere and it makes me so happy to see that awesome bloggers like you appreciate my work! Your answers were great, and it’s so sweet that your engagement happened at Disney, that’s amazing! You did a fantastic job!

    Liked by 1 person

    • adeleinglasses says:

      I feel exactly the same way about being a newbie here but getting such kind comments of appreciation, it really gives you a boost!

      My engagement in Disney is one of my favourite memories, it was actually inside the Beauty and the Beast castle (my fav. Disney film) and if you can’t tell in the photo… there were tears! Haha 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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